Fitness Equipment for Every BODY. What does that mean to Body Basics?
Fitness Equipment isn't always about losing some weight. It can include one of many of the following benefits.
- I would like to be more active with my Grandchildren.
- I have a medical condition that could be improved with extra activity.
- Diabetics can help control their blood sugars by increasing activity.
- Heart patients are typically encouraged to elevate their heart rate regularly throughout the week.
- Joint replacement recipients require rehab to improve strength and mobility.
- Weight loss or maintenance can help increase some individuals self esteem.
- My general health is good, but I would like to strength train to allow me to be more active and enjoy my good health.
- The marathon/Activity is right around the corner. I need to put in some extra miles if I plan on finishing or improving my outcome.
- I just know I feel better when I exercise, but the weather in Nebraska doesn't always cooperate.
- Other:
Vote for which one of the above fits your motivation when you are looking for a new piece of fitness equipment.